Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Eating my childhood

An apology
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Cannon Fodder
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Informant!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
column love
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Good writing
Sunday, August 30, 2009
On the way back from Chipotle
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Nug
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A letter
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Roll on or off you Bears!
Friday, August 7, 2009
- Choke
- Lullaby
- Fight Club
- Snuff
- Choke
- Rant
- Lullaby
- Fight Club
- Snuff
- Survivor (I liked it, until the end. Then it dies, but not in a good way).
London blogging
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Midget Cruise
You need two more reality tv shows to complete the summer of 2009. Make it one.
It begins with marketing. You need a ton of advertising all over America, saying that (insert network name here) is casting for an all-sexy-singles cruise for the newest and hottest reality show ever. It's completely free. Drinks, food, living, you can get all this just for being sexy. The thing we don't tell these young sex-crazed young adults is that the cruise is all female. They only find out after the cruise leaves port. At first, they are going to be weirded out, but hey, it's a free cruise, so they will try to enjoy themselves.
But here's where it gets good. All the food is phallic shaped. All the drinks have dirty names. On tv, only porn. The music that is played over the ship's pa has been taken from soundtracks of the porn industry's best. Everything says, "sex." So first the women resort to drunk hook-ups with other chicks (we might have to pay some royalties to Joe Francis for this). Then after six months of phallus-less cruising, we dock. But not to let the women off of the ship, but to send hundreds of male midgets on board.
This is where the game gets interesting. The last person, who resorts to having sex with a little person will win one million dollars, but none of the women know this. The jingle goes as follows, "MIDGET CRUISE! How long 'till you fuck 'em?" Every moment will be filmed. It will make us millions, Simmons. There could even be spinoffs. Season 2- Farm Cruise, same rules apply. And the third season could even be Simmons based. Simmons Cruise! How long till you fuck him?
(It should be noted that I am not drunk, but this is a well-developed concept that came to me while drinking.)
So we will see if I get picked, lol.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My favorite drink
Working Hard
A Mllie
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Travel Blog
Monday, July 6, 2009
Zot-Zot pt III
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Skirting the issue- Rant
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Venice Thought
There's an American movie on our 12 inch tv, it's dubbed into Italian. I can't recognize any of the actors. It might not be Hollywood, but it's definitely not Italian. The German Shepherd is really smart. It knows things– I couldn't tell you what– other than that it is smarter than any dog on television. Air Bud was good, REX is better, well, at least I think his name is Rex.
We're in Venice now. It rained our last day in France. We were up at the Sacre Couer and it started pouring (it was supposed to be sunny). We had one sweatshirt. And as it became more and more obvious during our short stay in France, I have more manners than the entire Parisian population (read: Alyse wore the jacket).
The French were rude. They climb over you in line. Bump into you in public without so much as a "sorry." And they generally only look out for number 1.
The French are all " I guys." To translate, all we heard this whole trip was "Me, me, me, me, me," to which another person would respond with "No, me, me, me,me!" and on and on for days.
The city was beautiful. We saw it all on a free tour with a company called NewEurope, who's guides work solely for tips.
Oh, no gondola rides for us. A 100 euro a ride. Wait, what? Yeah, 100 euro a ride. Come on everybody, say it with me in unison– FUCK THAT.
Monday, June 22, 2009
World Tour- update
I hope this finds you well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Quote Bag
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sex and the City
The prophet
Friday, June 12, 2009

Once again, it was legit. Everything was dirt cheap and worth the wait and Andrew and I got a funny story out of it.
Sportswriting- sometimes it hurts
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Gran Torino

Oh, I've got one. A Mexican, a Jew, and a colored guy go into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, "Get the fuck out of here."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Travel Blog
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Grammar Issues

I understand that the world is ending and soon Jesus and his wife and kids (Credit: Dan Brown) and the four horsemen will be here to fight the battle of Good vs. Evil. But really, do we have to let grammar fall by the wayside?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Hangover

Carlos (above) deserves a nod from the academy for this one.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Charlie Murphy
Thursday, June 4, 2009
NBA Finals
I have been awful
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Eastern Conference Finals
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Weight of Europe
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cosmetic Post
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Bad Days
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Aging Parents
- Meet guy at airport
- share cab with said cute, foreign guy.
- Get dropped off first, so he knows where we live.
- Don't lock doors at empty house
- Become high-end prostitute and be sold to drug lords.
- Be saved by our badass fathers, who just killed 300 people to save our worthless asses.
- Still not know if our father is really liam niessen or ralph fiennes or both, who as you will come to agree with me are the same person.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mr. Patten's Chair- finals version
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Confirmation Pizza
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
You got Hochuli-ed!
Monday, May 4, 2009
What's in a name?
Who can turn down the name Gubbles the Gubbler? Alyse did, but if you want it, the name is yours. I'm thinking that Moisa is no longer flapjack or bitch, he is now permanently "gubbles the ass gubbling gubbler".
But last night, I had a new development in the search for Alyse's pseudo identity. SHORT STACK. Simple, succinct and sexy– SHORT STACK. What more could Alyse want, I asked myself. Apparently, she wants something cute. SHORT STACK is not cute, she says, and however much I disagree, she doesn't like it.
Oh and in case you were wondering if got to judge my own nickname, the answer is no. To Alyse, I am "Sticky face" or "Mr. Silly". I was given no choice. But I must say, I have come to like em.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Trust Issues

Last night in the party bus on the way to Alyse's formal in the city, this girl, who was visibly inebriated, asked me to hold her camera while she dropped a deuce.
And if you know me, or have trusted me with your camera, then you just said, "No, you idiot. just hold the camera yourself."
If you said this, then you should win a prize.
In the minute and a half that she was in the bathroom, I took probably 15-20 obscene pictures of myself.
When she got out, the girl was wondering how it came to be that I had her camera, so I explained that she had given it to me to hold.
She was still angry but she took her camera and moved on with the rest of her night. But when she went to load her pictures onto facebook, she had some surprises.
Most of my pictures did not make it up but these are priceless.

Let this be a lesson to all of you, I am a bad person and should never be trusted.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Failure to Write
But after some textual support from my girlfriend, I have come to this conclusion:
My writing does not suck. Raise your hand if you disagree (Do not raise your hand as it will not be counted, this post is on tape delay and the votes were tallied live) Judging by the show of hands, or lack thereof, I don't suck. So fuck them for telling me I suck.
One of my submissions was my Number ten essay, which I thought was pretty fucking good, let's see a show of hands? Tim, only one hand please. Yes, I know you thought it was a gem but only one vote. Yes, I know you are number ten too. Yeah I agree, fuck that professor, he was just jealous that he's not on the list, bitchass. Don't worry, we still are number ten, nothing can ever take that away from us.
In conclusion, the only justification for their denial of my greatness was that they made a mistake. And I accept their apology, but I will never forgive them. Someday, they will all have a copy of my book waiting for them on their desk in their office, with a personal letter from me written on the inside cover. It will read– "Suck it."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Keep clicking and they will regenerate themselves and there will be more and more and more and more and more until you can no longer see your computer screen, but keep clicking and they will eventually jump out of your computer and become real live unicorns that you can ride and play with and they can be your only friend.
Pao- Consider this an early birthday present.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My one act play
Saying No to Children
Scene: A father stands in his perfect living room with his son (4) and daughter (5) jumping up and down at his waist, reaching for what he has in his hands. He stares straight forward unmoved by his children’s requests.
Father- 30-40, he needs to appear upright and moral, clean cut, well dressed even in casual clothes, he is the kind of guy that based on appearance must be trusted and liked, but when I wrote this I was thinking Carey Grant.
It is extremely important that the children are both extremely lovable, they, like the father, must command that “perfect” quality. They must not act out wildly or be brats or anything that could bring on negative feelings from the audience. The problems that arise must be completely of the parent’s own fabrication.
Daughter- adorable little girl who cannot say her “R’s.”
Son- standard boy.
Mother- well-to-do woman. She completes the perfect family unit.
Lawyer- disheveled, scatter brain type, who seems to be the intrusive, moochy neighbor.
Lighting note: Asides should spotlight the character or characters with the rest of the action frozen with lights dimmed.
Note: I cannot stress how important it is that reality and believability should not be a concern when performing this play. That being said, push the limits of this screwball comedy as far as you please. Good luck.
Now, you must promise to not tell your mother. Do you hear me?
Candy/ Candy/ oh please can I have it?
Gimme / Candy/ Candy/ Daddy, please.
Uh-huh. (Father hands them the “candy”, the little boy eats the two pink tablets right out of the Father’s hand)
Oh, no daddy, mommy said not to eat the ones with the A on them. She said it’s medicine, not candy.
Well, mommy’s not a doctor now is she? (pulling the little boy back, and using his shirt to wipe off all of the slobber)
(Aside: But she is damn good at games of chance.)
But we haven’t had breakfast. And mommy says no candy for breakfast.
It’s my day to take care of you, so I make the rules. And I say you can eat candy even for breakfast.
Yuck, daddy, this candy is baaaaad. (Father practically shoves the tablets into his daughter’s mouth)
Well medicine isn’t made to taste good. (Aside: Oh, here we go. Now I’ve done it. One slip and the one-boy-Why?-Parade commences. If only I would’ve gone tails, then it would’ve been my day off.)
But I thought it was candy?
I meant candy. (Aside: Thank god they are still little idiots.)
But why did you say medicine?
I didn’t mean to.
(Aside: Hold it together, Hold it Together. Only a few more Why’s before the adult Ambien hits and he’ll be out all day.)
When’s mommy coming home from work?
She just left.
But when?
She’ll be back by the time you wake up from your nap.
When’s nap time? I’m tired.
Soon. (Aside: But not soon enough) (checks watch)
But we just woke up. (Son lays down on the floor)
You’re growing children. Sleep helps the body.
Well, I’m not tired.
(pulling bottle of Ambien out of his pocket) Would you like some more candy? You have been such a good girl today. You deserve more.
No thanks, I like the purple flavored ones better.
Well, I have those too darling. (shaking some tablets out of the bottle and he gives them to the daughter)
But this tastes the same kind of yucky as before.
I’ll write a letter to the manufacturer.
The wha…(yawning) (son had been playing on the ground with his toys but is now asleep beneath the Father’s feet)
See you are tired. You can’t fool daddy. (Father picks her up, steps over son and lays her on the couch. He then moves some of the kids’ toys around them)
(Aside: I should’ve picked tails. Tails never fails. But four days in a row? I must be the unluckiest bastard in all-the-world. Well, at least the suburbs.)
Shhhhh. Just close your eyes. Yes, that’s it, sleeeeep.
(Daughter falls asleep. He now stands addresseing his sleeping children)
You see children, it’s not that daddy doesn’t love you, it’s that daddy has other things to do and you… well… get in the way. And, I mean, I know I shouldn’t tell you this now, at such young ages, but I have been needing to get this off my chest for a while… so here goes. You’re both adopted. (beat) (Wife steps in from a side door, and watches silently, seems unamused, but not mad or shocked, just kind of taking it in) Okay, not really, but it would make it a hell of a lot easier to get rid of you. (pause)Truth is, I’m not your father. (breath) No, no, I made the mistake of knocking up your mother and now I must suffer the consequences, but damn, you two are a hell of a punishment. Alright, I’ll try this again. And I have heard that a father should never say this to his children, but (beat) I don’t like you guys. Well, at least not yet. Face it, you are not capable of intellectual conversation, your Tee-ball games are boring, I mean, how could it be entertaining, your team is horrible. I know the league insists on not keeping score, but I have kept score and you have lost every, single, goddamn game. I cannot stand to lie you any more, saying “Good game, son,” because you have never had a good game and probably won’t until you learn how to tie your shoes. And you missy, 50 dollars a week for ballet lessons? You can’t even pirouette. I could think of far more productive ways of spending 50 dollars, like boarding school.
Do you really have to give this speech everyday/
Honey you’re home from work early/ what’s the special occasion?
/My office is the guest bedroom/ coffee, why are the kids asleep?
They were tired. (hiding the Ambien bottle behind his back)
You didn’t/ You did, again?/ You did.
Didn’t what/ No, no, no we went over this yesterday. I remembered no drug induced comas just like you said/ Alright, I did. But I had to. I can’t keep watching them.
You lost the toss fair and square.
Don’t you want to spend some quality time with your children?
Well me neither. Look at this brochure for this boarding school in the Himalayas or/ (pulling out a fan full of brochures)
/Or Maybe we could get a babysitter. (picks up the phone book off the side table)
What would our friends think? Two parents, who work from home, hiring a babysitter?
You’re unemployed
I prefer in between jobs.
You haven’t worked since we met.
Not true.
That was 10 years ago.
What about the play?
The one about the parents/
Where they don’t want to take care of their kids and they continually argue about whose turn it is.
How many times did it get rejected?/ a half?/ That was a horrible play. It wasn’t believable. I mean who wouldn’t want to take care of their kids?
7 and a half/ I posted it on my blog and it got mixed reviews, so it’s not a full 8/ Us.
The point is, people don’t go around saying how much they dislike their children all the time.
Sure they do. Watch. I don’t like you (points to son) and I happen to not like you either.(a dismissive hand gesture towards the daughter)
(ignores him) Coffee, that’s what I’m here for, Coffee.
Good luck. Are you going out to get it?
No. Didn’t you buy some at the store yesterday?
The store?
Yes, the store. You went there to buy coffee and left the kids with me. Remember?
So you didn’t buy any then?/Coffee/ So where did you go?
Buy what?/ Oh, yes. (beat) No, I didn’t./ Don’t worry about those silly little details now darling. I will run out and get some right away. (hurriedly grabs keys and wallet off the table, rushes over to give his wife a kiss on the cheek and nearly sprints towards the door.)
Oh no you don’t. (Father stops with door half open, gazing towards freedom)
(Aside: Deep Voice Singing- Let My People Go!) What was that dear?
I’ll go, you stay hear and bond with the (looks around at the two children sleeping), uh, comatose.
Honey, you have had a long, hard day at work (aside-
These kids? The ones you decided to temporarily dispose of–Those children? The ones that are so drugged that they might sleep ‘till the end of summer vacation?
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Rock, paper, scissors? Best of three?
Let me think. Okay. Ready.
(They play. Father wins.)
You got twenty minutes.
Love you. (runs out the door, screaming- freedom)
(turns towards children, then to audience.)
(Aside- Damn.)
(She then walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle of booze. She shakes some pills out of the ambient bottle, and washes some down with a few long gulps from the flask. Sits down next to her daughter on the couch, then shakes her head and moves to the recliner.)
{End Scene}
{New Scene}
Dark outside. Mother still asleep on recliner. Children noticeably absent. House is strewn with toys.
Enter father, trying to sneak in, but when door clicks closed, mother is awakened.
Where have you been?/ What time is it?/ am or pm?
Getting you the freshest coffee on Earth my dear (holds up Folgers instant mix)/ 11:30/ p.m.
Where did you get the coffee?
Are those mickey mouse ears on your head? Did you go to Disneyland again?
You know I love to see children happy.
You have two children right here.
Not these ones. They are such ungrateful little bastards. Other kids do cute things like smile and giggle and hold their daddy’s hand. Our kids! Oh, God, Our Kids? Our kids… just…they just…/
Whine and shit/ and hit and moan and cry
and piss and kick/ and…(looking around) where are the little idiots?
I was asleep. (They begin searching halfheartedly, under couch cushions, under the coffee table, whatever a kid could not hide under. They call out for their children under their breath.)
Nope, not here.
I hate to say it, but I was wrong.
About what?
Your nightly bedtime stories about runaway children. They finally worked.
Yeah, but they didn’t take the prepackaged runaway kits I prepared for them.
You can lead a horse to water/
But you can’t get it to jump in and drown itself. (shared laugh)
Well let’s finish the episode of Full House we started last night, then we’ll go out and look. Give ‘em a little extra time to get away. (They sit at the couch, turn on the T.V. and begin to snuggle.)
That Michelle sure is cute and lovable, unlike our spawn.
Isn’t it nice having the house to ourselves?
(Cut to Black for 3 seconds to show elapsed time)
That’s three episodes.
Alright, I guess we’ll go now. They should’ve made it to the highway by now. And hopefully someone will take pity on our poor souls and drive them hundreds of miles away. (They Walk out the door.)
(Cut to Black for 3 seconds)
(Walking back in)
Do you think we should call the police? Just so it doesn’t look like we’re negligent.
Not yet, Give ‘em a little more time. The further they get, the harder they are to find.
I guess your right.
Think about it this way, remember when we eloped when you were only 18? Did your parents ever file a missing persons report?
No, but/No They haven’t/
Even if they did, they have a horrible job looking for you/ We live an hour away.
So what you’re saying is/
That everyone hates their children, they just show it in different ways. We don’t hit our kids. We don’t try to kill them. We just don’t like them, that’s all. Everyone just continually perpetuates this lie about the rewards of raising children because it’s what society tells us is right. It’s all propaganda. So think about all the things we can do without them. We could turn their rooms into a mini-gym or a sauna or a legitimite office or a game room, the possibilities are endless.
Yeah, ok, alright. I’m sorry for ever doubting you/
(wanders down stairs) Daddy, I had a bad dream.
Mother and Father
(Aside- Damn!)
(turns towards son and back to Father, almost yelling) I thought you checked/
/I guess I had just hoped that they had gotten our hints
(wanders down stairs) I had a bad dream too. I always have bad dreams when you don’t read us a bedtime story
I wanna hear the rest about Huck.
(Aside- father flips coin, mother calls, father loses- father turns toward the audience- Damn!)
Daddy’s going to read you a story. Now, go up to bed, he’ll be there in a minute. (Children go upstairs)
{End Scene}
{New Scene)
(Father and Mother seated at table with a lawyer in a tattered suit. Children playing with toys on the floor under the table.)
Irreconcilable differences? And you want me to represent both of you. (Father and Mother look at each other, smile, turn back towards lawyer and nod yes.) I must tell you that this is highly unusual, especially because you two seem to be getting along just fine. I usually have my clients sleep on this decision.
We did.
Last night.
So what are these irreconcilable differences?
Well there’s two. (Raises both arms above the table and points down at table, which the children are under.)
The kids.
Is this some kind of joke? Because kids always think it’s their fault when the parents get divorced.
But really. It’s their fault.
It is. We wish we were joking.
Do you have kids?
No, I’m not particularly fond of children/
So you understand?/
I always thought I would be fond of my own kin.
Trust me, you won’t be/ And bore you/ and the lovely relationship that you had with your wife will be destroyed
They will plague you/ and take up all of your time/ by your own kin
That’s what you have to look forward to.
Have you thought about boarding school?
That’s only a temporary solution. They come home from breaks.
We think this would be the most permanent thing.
Do you still love each other?
Outside of making these two monsters/ absolutely in love.
/Yes, I have never loved someone so deeply.
What about adoption?
We are Catholic. We can’t do that. The church looks down on giving your kids away.
It’s in the commandments.
So who is going to take custody of the children?
So this is what we were thinking./
/Neither of us.
I don’t think that’s possible, legally speaking.
I see what you’re doing. You drive a hard bargain my friend. You little shark, you. How much do you want?
No, no sir. I’m afraid it can’t be done. Custody must be given to someone.
But why us?
We didn’t ask for this.
We just wanted good kids.
And look what we got.
A raw deal.
You both would have to be declared unfit to parent by the court in order to avoid custody.
Meaning that you would have to something wrong with you. A bad drug habit. Abusing your kids, each other. Reckless behavior. That sort of thing.
We are bad. Just yesterday, we knocked the kids out with Ambien.
Now ma’am, let’s not be hasty. We all know that you two would never do something like that. That’s just crazy talk.
We did. She’ not lying.
I have a hard time believing someone who is stuck between a rock and a hard place. But anyways, I don’t have the power to take your kids from you. You’ll need a social worker to come view the living situation.
Is there an emergency line we can call to get them over here?
Like now?
I’m afraid not. It usually takes a few days. Then court.
So like a month?
It depends how bad the situation is. And I can tell you that it doesn’t look good for your cause.
Doesn’t anyone care what we want.
Why is it always about the kids? It’s their fault anyways.
So we’re stuck with them?
Unless something drastic happens, you seem like fine parents. I’ll be off now (picking up his briefcase and finishing the coffee that he has refilled four times during the short conversation, along with taking another cookie for the road, after having 4-6 on stage), I won’t waste anymore of your time. Good day. (lets himself out the front door.)