Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cannon Fodder

Here's this week's column.

I know I haven't had a good story in a while, but the four roommates are road tripping to Oregon this weekend, so I will come back with a ton of material.

So there.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Informant!

The Informant! was a bizarre narrative, folding and unfolding itself, unravelling all the while with the lies of Matt Damon's character.
The concept of truth and the changes that the audience undergoes in their opinion and image of Damon is insane. The subvocalization/narration is hilarious. The anecdotes are so awkward.
It reminds me of the way Daniel Coffeen started out class in Rhetoric 10– "Everything I say is a lie."

This movie asks the audience to judge the truth when the facts are constantly changing and being exposed as lies.

It really is worth a see. Some very funny parts. And I plan on grabbing the book, which lacks the exclamation point (or so I've heard) because the way the film was structured, it says "read the book, because there's more of these great little anecdotes that we didn't have time for in the movie."

Monday, September 14, 2009

column love

In my unending search for self-deprecating material, I came across this forum on a cal website, trashing my 7 things I hate about gamedays at Cal column.
It was sooo terrible that they had to make a list of things that annoy them, just so they are not haters. Awesome.

Here's the link, note the number of replies and comments. I never thought I could have made such a positive contribution to the world of Cal sports and humanity in general.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog post

for the Daily Cal, what's up.

Note: Soccer players tell bad jokes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And boom goes the dynamite.

I hadn't seen this until recently. Holy shit this guy is awkward.


it's that time of the week again. Column

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


week 2 is here, I think this one might actually piss some people off.
