Thursday, April 9, 2009

I love college

Even though Asher Roth apparently didn't go to college, he still loves it. 

Kudos to loving something that you have no part in. Not only that, being able to get every douchebag in college to think that your song embodies their personal college experience. 
In other news, Krause loves threesomes. I love playing in the NBA. And Moisa loves the dodgers (although he has more right to being on the dodgers' roster than asher roth has to being enrolled in college).


  1. 1. I like how Roth began by recording over other people's when we make the remix "I dropped outta college" over his beat it will be perfect.

    2. I really enjoy the fact that the name of his first album is identical to the first line of your Daily Cal article today HAHAHA

