Monday, May 4, 2009

What's in a name?

For the past 2 years that Alyse and I have been together, I have been trying to come up with a kick-ass, semi-cute, but mostly usable nickname. I have failed, over and over. She never likes any of the nicknames and damn have I been clever about it.

Who can turn down the name Gubbles the Gubbler? Alyse did, but if you want it, the name is yours. I'm thinking that Moisa is no longer flapjack or bitch, he is now permanently "gubbles the ass gubbling gubbler".

But last night, I had a new development in the search for Alyse's pseudo identity. SHORT STACK. Simple, succinct and sexy– SHORT STACK. What more could Alyse want, I asked myself. Apparently, she wants something cute. SHORT STACK is not cute, she says, and however much I disagree, she doesn't like it.

Oh and in case you were wondering if got to judge my own nickname, the answer is no. To Alyse, I am "Sticky face" or "Mr. Silly". I was given no choice. But I must say, I have come to like em.

1 comment:

  1. Whats up with you and nicknames that have to do with pancakes? lol first flapjack now short stack?

