Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Venice Thought

This was an internet-less thought I had the other day while in Venice:

There's an American movie on our 12 inch tv, it's dubbed into Italian. I can't recognize any of the actors. It might not be Hollywood, but it's definitely not Italian. The German Shepherd is really smart. It knows things– I couldn't tell you what– other than that it is smarter than any dog on television. Air Bud was good, REX is better, well, at least I think his name is Rex. 

 We're in Venice now. It rained our last day in France. We were up at the Sacre Couer and it started pouring (it was supposed to be sunny). We had one sweatshirt. And as it became more and more obvious during our short stay in France, I have more manners than the entire Parisian population (read: Alyse wore the jacket). 

The French were rude. They climb over you in line. Bump into you in public without so much as a "sorry." And they generally only look out for number 1. 

The French are all " I guys." To translate, all we heard this whole trip was "Me, me, me, me, me," to which another person would respond with "No, me, me, me,me!" and on and on for days. 

The city was beautiful. We saw it all on a free tour with a company called NewEurope, who's guides work solely for tips. 

Oh, no gondola rides for us. A 100 euro a ride. Wait, what? Yeah, 100 euro a ride. Come on everybody, say it with me in unison– FUCK THAT.


  1. Rex is the bomb. He eats all the sandwiches.

  2. oh and it's Austrian.

  3. Sorry, one more thing (I keep posting as I read down - bad habit, must finish first). The crowdedness and "me me me" is very similar to Moscow as well. I think it's how it is in metropolitan cities overall. Too many people, no one cares, no one is going to see you again, ever, so no reason for formalities and social etiquette.

    I don't know about France but in Russia if someone bumps into you, the first thing you do is check to see if your wallet is in place, haha

  4. Everyone always talks about pickpockets, but I have been carrying a wallet without money in it the whole trip just to test the theory and I have yet to be picked. We will see though. I think what I just did is to be considered a jinx (knock on wood).

