Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Japan v. Korea

Here are the highlights from Jake and my live blog of the sights and sounds of the WBC Championship game.
Pregame Notes
  • Krause said he left his house at 5:20 and lives 20 minutes away, traffic must suck it's 6:30.
  • Game should be played on Wii. 
  • I applied the lyrics of the Star Spangled banner to both countries' national anthems, only to realize that because we are all americans that the US anthem would be played last, even though the US lost in the semis.
  • Mexican family seated in front of us purchased Panda Express in an attempt to be supportive of diversity. The man actually used chopsticks.
Start of game-640
  • 7:05- No Krause
  • 7:15- Maybe Krause thought parking was too expensive for this shit and turned around and went home. 
  • 7:16- The Koreans chant. And chant and chant the same three syllables over and over with three thunderstick hits after it. Will I hear this in my sleep?
  • 7:20- Best name: Bum Ho Lee. God, is this guy lucky that he didn't go to school with me. 
  • 7:39- Korea chant has become incorporated into my biorhythm.
  • 7:40- Text from Jack Ross-" This is worse than Berkeley, Jesus." I assume he is referring to the amount of asian people, but because of my lenten sacrifice I refrain from a response. 
  • 7:45- Krause is not here, Call Amber Alert.
  • 7:46 Jake begins scrolling through his contact book looking for someone to entertain him.
  • 7:50 We pronounce Krause dead. 
  • Possible headstones for Krause:
  1. Died in route to WBC, he was lucky he never got there.
  2. Killed in parking lot– asian drivers.
  3. Had better shit to do.
  4. Died for the story
  5. was dared
  • 7:52- Now batting for Asia- Benihana.
  • 7:59- During race of characters on the jumbotron, Jake berates a man for his choice of the blue ball. Jake was right. The blue ball hadn't warmed up properly. Jake's pick (green) wins. He gloats over the man and forces him to apologize for his pick.
  • Slogan of WBC "Behind every play, a nation," which I would like to change to "Behind every play, a nation, most notably America, watches something else."
  • 8:00- Korea gets first hit of game, causing riotous celebration despite being down by a run. But why not celebrate? They already won the battle against impotency, everything else is just icing on the cake.
  • 8:03- need to find out the name of the man in front of us.
  • 8:13- Goodyear blimp has a spotlight on, presumably looking for Krause.
  • 8:19- Jake has lost all sanity and begins cheering for everyone on both teams. 
  • 8:21- After 3 hours, Krause is resurrected. He is obviously disgruntled. And falls down some seats to get over to us. He tells us that he's not even parked in the stadium. 
  • 8:27- the world ends. The Koreans keep chanting.
  • 8:41 Krause drinks a beer with a straw.
  • 8:42 Straw user declares right field the 38th parallel.
  • 8:52- Goodyear blimp puts up a picture of another goodyear blimp on it's titantron.
  • 9:21 2nd best name Dae Ho Lee. I'm not even clever enough to make this up.
  • 9:26- Submit rule change for next WBC. A team should be limited to no more than 4 "Lee's" in one batting cycle. 
  • 9:26- Krause starts yelling DDR directions during batter's entrance song.
  • 9:30 This at bat is sponsored by Hello Kitty.
  • 9:31 This game is brought to you by Boba, who would like to remind you to enjoy boba responsibly.
  • 9:35 Attendance- 54,846 (10 whites)
  • 9:45 Game will not end. Must take life.
  • 10:10 Krause would like to note that the Japanese are surprisingly good at sacrificing themselves.
And that's all she wrote. 
Note: it took krause 3 hours to go 22 miles. So next time you think your life is bad, put yourself in Krause's shoes (Not necessarily in this situation, but in any situation, imagine that you are him and you will feel instantly better).

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